Monday 4 February 2013

Responsible Member of the Community

Canadian Tire has proven in many ways that is it a responsible and active member of the community.  With programs like "Jumpstart" and multiple awards for sustainability, Canadian Tire is doing it's part to give back just like all other Canadians.

Jumpstart is a program designed to get underpriveleged kids to participate in team sports and activites that they would otherwise not be able to due to financial constraints.  The goal is to keep kids active and healthy in a team setting.  This program relies on donations from customers and fundraising from programs such as "Pedal for Kids" that raise awareness.  To date, Canadian Tire has put over 49 million dollars back into local communities. This is an incredible accomplishment.

As an employee of Canadian Tire, I have had the opportunity and pleasure of being involved in some of the Jumpstart fundraising activities.  I always enjoy getting out on a nice summer day and seeing the children with big smiles on their faces.  The effort put into these events by Canadian Tire Staff and community members is phenomenal.  I have been at events where sport celebrities, politicians, and TV stars have shown up to provide their support.

The following video shows the impact and success around programs such as "Pedal for Kids", which raised $270,000 that go directly to "giving kids a sporting chance" in local communities.  I was fortunate enough to be a part of this program and I had a great time!

Not only do they play an active role in the community but they strive to minimize environmental impact.  "Top 50 Socially Responsible Corporations", "Best 50 Corporate Citizens in Canada", and "2012 GLOBE Awards - Best Green Retailing Practices" are just a few of the dozens of awards Canadian Tire has been recognized with in 2012.  It strives to play an active role in being a committed and responsible member of each sommunity it is part of. 
How important is it to you that Canadian companies do there part for the environment?  I appreciate that fact that they are making an effort to be socially responsible and have minimal impact on the environment.  It seems that we always think about big corporations as polluting and destroying the environment simply to make a profit, but it seems like Canadian Tire is doing a good job of doing everything it can to be socially responsible.
Have you had the opportunity to attend one of these events? Or perhaps you even know a child that was fortunate enough to play sports because of this program.  I would love to here about any stories of how Jumpstart has affected you or someone you know.
If you would like to make a donation to Jumpstart or find out how you can help in your community, visit Jumpstart here.
Canadian Tire JumpStart (n.d.). What is Jumpstart. Home. Retrieved February 4, 2013, from
CanadianTireCorp (2012, November 16). Pedal for Kids Ontario 2012 [Video File]. Retrieved from

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