Monday 18 February 2013

The All Mighty "Canadian" Dollar?

Who out of us doesn't have a pile of Canadian Tire "money" lying around.?  In a spare drawer, a shoebox, or perhaps crumbled up in a ball under the driver's seat of your car.  One man from Nova Scotia sure did, when he redeemed the largest amount of Canadian Tire "money" in one transaction back in 2011.  Enough to pay for a lawn tractor in entirety.

 I have redeemed money at Canadian Tire before, but nothing even close to this amount.  Maybe a few "dollars" here or there, to help an item become more affordable, but this kind of collecting requires true dedication and determination!

This loyalty program is Canada's oldest and arguably the most popular.  Canadian Tire "money" is handed out after transactions at the cashier.  It consists of 5, 10, 25, 50 cent bills as well as 1 and 2 dollar bills.  These bills can then be redeemed at face value on future purchases.

Canadian Tire "money" has been redeemed for over $100 million in merchandise since it's introduction to Canadian culture in 1958.  Since it's inception over one billion dollars worth has been put into circulation.

Throughout the storied history of the money, it has had 21 different versions and an electronic version available on the Canadian Tire Options Mastercard.  It is printed on the same paper as true currency and collector's editions of coins have been minted at the Royal Canadian Mint.

Canadian Tire has also joined it together with my previous topic.  They take donations of their own money towards the JumpStart program that helps kids.


Canadian Tire JumpStart (n.d.). What is Jumpstart. Home. Retrieved February 4, 2013, from

Dirks, J. CTV National News (2011, January 14). Biggest Canadian Tire Money purchase ever [Video File]. Retrieved from

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