Wednesday 27 February 2013


Technology is an ever growing part of all of our lives.  We can't go a single day without being impacted by a computer of some sort.  Our phones, TVs, even our fridges have computers these days.  People are more and more influenced by information at their finger tips.  It is becoming extremely important for businesses to harness this technology.

To be competitve and relevant in today's retail environment, companies have to stay in touch with customers through social media. Businesses need to communicate and impact people by providing information, but also getting feedback from customers.  We have all seen that people are more likely to complain than to praise, but it is honest feedback regardless.

Canadian Tire is no exception to this trend.  With accounts of Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google+, and Pinterest, Canadian Tire is staying in touch with it's customers. 

It is a great way to get feedback from customers regarding marketing strategies, pricing, and product assortment.  A look at Canadian Tire's Facebook page shows constant requests for feedback and product surveys which provide a competitive advantage.  You receive real time feedback from the most important people, your customers.

I am not one to use social media, I may be a bit behind the times.  I still call or meet with people when I want to talk to them.  I also value my privacy a great deal.  However, I do see the people around me completely immersed in being the first to know something, whether the information is correct or incorrect.  "Following" people or even businesses on Twitter has become common place, and making sure you are you get your opinion out to the world is important to people.

Now that social media is a fact of life, it is hard to ignore the benefit of marketing in this way.  It will truly be interesting to see how businesses use social media to connect and advertise to consumers in the future.  With user specfic marketing already showing up on our computers, it should be extremely interesting.

Want to be up to date on what Canadian Tire is doing?  Here are ways to stay connected:



Canadian Tire (n.d.). Canadian Tire. Facebook. Retrieved February 27, 2013, from
Canadian Tire (n.d.). Find Automotive Tools to Sports Gear to Kitchen & Bath Products | Canadian Tire. Canadian Tire Online Web Site. Retrieved February 27, 2013, from
Google (n.d.). twitter - Google Search. Google. Retrieved February 27, 2013, from,or.r_gc.r_pw.&bvm=bv.42965579,d.dmQ&biw=1680&bih=898&wrapid=tljp136200981839208&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=3J4uUfnKK4iW0QHh9oEI

Sunday 24 February 2013

Canadian Tire at Your Finger Tips

Technology is an ever growing part of all of our lives. We can't go a single day without being impacted by a computer of some sort. In our phones, TVs, even our fridges have computers these days. People are more and more influenced by information at their finger tips. It is becoming more and more important for businesses to harness this technology.  Here are two ways that Canadian Tire is using technology to stay ahead of it's competition.

These days people are getting information online instead of from magazines, flyers, or catalogues.  As a result, Canadian Tire made the decision to eliminate the traditional paper catalogue in exchange for an online catalogue after an amazing 80 years of history and millions and millions of issues delivered. 

Not only did this decision have a financial impact but also an environmental impact as stated by Lisa Gibson, a spokesperson for Canadian Tire, "There's a lot of research out there that says the readership and retention of annual catalogues is declining, and obviously, as a result [of the change], you're saving that many catalogues from being printed and then ending up in the recycling or garbage."

I'm not sure if people miss the online catalogue as it is probably simply a sign of the times.  The website is a better tool in almost everyway.

They also have a smartphone app that I absolutely love. It creates shopping lists, notifies you of sales, and my favourite parts is that it gives you product information when you scan a product's barcode. I find it extremely helpful when shopping. I can be at a competitor's store and scan an item to see if it is worth buying or if I should wait and buy it at Canadian Tire. It is certainly an excellent way to make sure you are getting the best deal. The app can be downloaded for iOS, Android, and Blackberry on their website.

What do you think about companies moving to an online only format?  While it is a good move for the environment, is it the best thing a company can do financially?

What is your opinion on companies such as IKEA continuing to print paper catalogues?


Canadian Tire (n.d.). Find Automotive Tools to Sports Gear to Kitchen & Bath Products | Canadian Tire. Canadian Tire Online Web Site. Retrieved February 24, 2013, from

Canadian Tire (2008, March 27). After 80 years, Canadian Tire stops publishing catalogues - CBC News. - Canadian News Sports Entertainment Kids Docs Radio TV. Retrieved February 24, 2013, from

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Embracing the Power of Sport

"Canadian Tire strikes sponsorship deal with Olympic team in bid to bolster sports ties"
- Financial Post.
"Canadian Tire inks Canadian Olympic sponsorship deal"
 - The Globe and Mail.
These are just two of the many headlines from a major announcement made by Canadian Tire in late January.
On January 23, 2012 Canadian Tire announced a new partnership with the Canadian Olympic Team and the Canadian Paralympic Team. In an effort to further it's involvement with sport and the community, Canadian Tire committed to an 8-year sponsorship deal. It remains to be seen exactly how the partnership will play out, but this can only be a good thing for the Canadian Olympic Team.. It appears that Canadian Tire is always looking ahead to see new ways to get involved with and give back to the community.
 Pictured from left to right: Clara Hughes, Olympian, Marcel Aubut, President, Canadian Olympic Committee, Stephen Wetmore, President and CEO, Canadian Tire Ltd., Benoit Huot, Paralympian, The Honourable Bal Gosal, Minister of State (Sport) at the January 23 sponsorship announcement
Image is an important part of any business' success and Canadian Tire is no exception.  Giving back to the community is a great way of creating brand awareness but it also shows people you care.  With the purchase of Forzani Group LTD. in 2011, they are trying to associate the Canadian Tire brand with sports and sporting goods.
This truly is a win/win situation for Canadian Tire.  Not only does it raise brand awareness and associate them with canadian sporting goods, but the marketing created by the announcement and further Canadian sporting events is priceless.  Well, actually it's between $4 - $6 million a year.
This announcement is certainly a good move for the future of the sporting goods part of Canadian Tire through SportChek and National Sports outlets.  It is sure to be a great partnership!
Shaw, H. (2013, January 23). Canadian Tire strikes sponsorship deal with Canadian Olympic team. Financial Post | Canadian Business News, Investing and Commentary. Retrieved February 18, 2013, from
Krashinsky, S. (2013, January 23). Canadian Tire inks Canadian Olympic sponsorship deal - The Globe and Mail. Home - The Globe and Mail. Retrieved February 18, 2013, from
Newswire (2013, January 23). Canadian Tire Corporation, Limited | Canadian Tire Embraces the Power of Sport. CNW Group. Retrieved February 18, 2013, from
Canadian Olympic Committee (n.d.). Canadian Olympic Committee (COC) - Sochi 2014 Olympic Games. Canadian Olympic Committee. Retrieved February 18, 2012, from

Monday 18 February 2013

The All Mighty "Canadian" Dollar?

Who out of us doesn't have a pile of Canadian Tire "money" lying around.?  In a spare drawer, a shoebox, or perhaps crumbled up in a ball under the driver's seat of your car.  One man from Nova Scotia sure did, when he redeemed the largest amount of Canadian Tire "money" in one transaction back in 2011.  Enough to pay for a lawn tractor in entirety.

 I have redeemed money at Canadian Tire before, but nothing even close to this amount.  Maybe a few "dollars" here or there, to help an item become more affordable, but this kind of collecting requires true dedication and determination!

This loyalty program is Canada's oldest and arguably the most popular.  Canadian Tire "money" is handed out after transactions at the cashier.  It consists of 5, 10, 25, 50 cent bills as well as 1 and 2 dollar bills.  These bills can then be redeemed at face value on future purchases.

Canadian Tire "money" has been redeemed for over $100 million in merchandise since it's introduction to Canadian culture in 1958.  Since it's inception over one billion dollars worth has been put into circulation.

Throughout the storied history of the money, it has had 21 different versions and an electronic version available on the Canadian Tire Options Mastercard.  It is printed on the same paper as true currency and collector's editions of coins have been minted at the Royal Canadian Mint.

Canadian Tire has also joined it together with my previous topic.  They take donations of their own money towards the JumpStart program that helps kids.


Canadian Tire JumpStart (n.d.). What is Jumpstart. Home. Retrieved February 4, 2013, from

Dirks, J. CTV National News (2011, January 14). Biggest Canadian Tire Money purchase ever [Video File]. Retrieved from

Monday 4 February 2013

Responsible Member of the Community

Canadian Tire has proven in many ways that is it a responsible and active member of the community.  With programs like "Jumpstart" and multiple awards for sustainability, Canadian Tire is doing it's part to give back just like all other Canadians.

Jumpstart is a program designed to get underpriveleged kids to participate in team sports and activites that they would otherwise not be able to due to financial constraints.  The goal is to keep kids active and healthy in a team setting.  This program relies on donations from customers and fundraising from programs such as "Pedal for Kids" that raise awareness.  To date, Canadian Tire has put over 49 million dollars back into local communities. This is an incredible accomplishment.

As an employee of Canadian Tire, I have had the opportunity and pleasure of being involved in some of the Jumpstart fundraising activities.  I always enjoy getting out on a nice summer day and seeing the children with big smiles on their faces.  The effort put into these events by Canadian Tire Staff and community members is phenomenal.  I have been at events where sport celebrities, politicians, and TV stars have shown up to provide their support.

The following video shows the impact and success around programs such as "Pedal for Kids", which raised $270,000 that go directly to "giving kids a sporting chance" in local communities.  I was fortunate enough to be a part of this program and I had a great time!

Not only do they play an active role in the community but they strive to minimize environmental impact.  "Top 50 Socially Responsible Corporations", "Best 50 Corporate Citizens in Canada", and "2012 GLOBE Awards - Best Green Retailing Practices" are just a few of the dozens of awards Canadian Tire has been recognized with in 2012.  It strives to play an active role in being a committed and responsible member of each sommunity it is part of. 
How important is it to you that Canadian companies do there part for the environment?  I appreciate that fact that they are making an effort to be socially responsible and have minimal impact on the environment.  It seems that we always think about big corporations as polluting and destroying the environment simply to make a profit, but it seems like Canadian Tire is doing a good job of doing everything it can to be socially responsible.
Have you had the opportunity to attend one of these events? Or perhaps you even know a child that was fortunate enough to play sports because of this program.  I would love to here about any stories of how Jumpstart has affected you or someone you know.
If you would like to make a donation to Jumpstart or find out how you can help in your community, visit Jumpstart here.
Canadian Tire JumpStart (n.d.). What is Jumpstart. Home. Retrieved February 4, 2013, from
CanadianTireCorp (2012, November 16). Pedal for Kids Ontario 2012 [Video File]. Retrieved from